Monday, September 13, 2010

Hi My Name Is Natalie & I Have A Confession To Make

I am in LOVE with before-and-after makeovers of rooms. Mainly on design blogs that give a little information about the inspiration behind the change. It makes me want to spend a lot of time, effort and money transforming our current living space. This is where it gets depressing...

We rent. We always have. And possibly always will. I just don't see us settling down and buying a home. Too grownup and an unsure investment at this stage in the game. So we're here in San Diego with a rented room. It is pretty big actually. There is a TON of potential in this space. But who knows how long we'll be here for? And I'm not so sure how welcoming the owner is about changes being made to the house.

Anyhow, I thought I would blog about a couple of places of inspiration for sprucing up living quarters. There's a ton of neat stuff to read about and lots of awesome pictures to ogle at on these blogs. I find them to be inspiring even though I may not be able to do anything to our space right now. Enjoy!

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